"The birds of the sky nest by them; they sing among the branches." Psalm 104:12 WEB
Taken with an iPhone 6s on August 28, 2019 in Calumet County, Wisconsin USA Ceramic Mallard is from mid-1980's. Today's post was previously posted on 8/28/2020.
"Yahweh, how many are your works! In wisdom, you have made them all. The earth is full of your riches." Psalm 104:24 WEB
This pheasant family photo was taken on August 19, 2023 with an iPhone SE in the Menasha Conservancy, Calumet County, WI USA. The beautiful sandhill cranes can be quite active. Their movements encourage me to find more ways to find more movement outdoors when they return in spring. Look for things that encourage you to move. Perhaps it's a motivating wallpaper on your phone or a personalized background on your desktop. Sticky notes, a bulletin board, or refrigerator message can also be reminders to be active. Changing your reminder(s) occasionally can help encourage you to include movement in your life. This photo was taken in the second warmest April so everything was a bright spring green. (April 2016 was the warmest since the 1880's when weather reporting improved.) It was taken in Harrison, WI USA on April 22, 2020, with an iPhone 6s.
“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants after you, God.” Psalm 42:1 WEB
This photo was taken on January 2, 2009 with a Canon PowerShot A630 in Lake Texana State Park, Edna, Texas USA. This photo was previously used on this site on September 3, 2020. “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31 KJV Sculptor: Carl Vanderheyden Taken on July 18, 2014 with a Motorola DROID RAZR HD on the Mariner Trail in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin USA. Look Ahead
“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” Patrick Henry Taken on May 5, 2019 with an iPhone 6s on the Fox River Trail in Brown County, WI USA. Naturally Marvelous
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." Aristotle Taken on August 20, 2017 with an iPhone 6s at Heckrodt Wetland Reserve, Winnebago County, Wisconsin USA. Awaken the Greatness Within shares 35 Inspirational Quotes on Nature that show an appreciation for nature.
“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” - Anonymous
Taken on August 20, 2017 with an iPhone 6s at Heckrodt Wetland Reserve, Winnebago County, Wisconsin USA. |
AboutThis blog is the creation of an adventurer who thrives on change and strives to live a more simple, minimalist life. It offers encouragement for an active lifestyle that promotes a positive outlook toward life and the world around us. Archives
November 2024